How to improve your golf putting?

How to improve your golf putting in Annecy
How to improve your golf putting in Annecy

How to improve your golf putting?

C’est quoi le putting au golf ?

Putting is the final phase of the golf game, when the player hits the ball with a special club, the putter, to get it into the hole as quickly as possible, so improving your golf putting skills is essential.

The aim is to minimize the number of strokes required to complete the hole.

Table of content - Golf putting

How to improve your golf putting in Annecy

Comment être fort au putting ?

Putting is one of the most important skills for successful golfers. To putt well, the player must take into account a number of factors, such as posture, alignment and rhythm.

A good putting technique is essential to achieve a good score and improve your performance.

Why count the putts on a green?

Putting is one of the most important aspects of the game of golf. By counting putts on a course, you can identify :

  • the strengths
  • the weak points of your game

and, as a result, find ways to improve. This can help you achieve a higher level of performance.

How to count putts

Putting is one of the most important skills to master if you want to improve your golf score. The aim of putting is to get the ball into the hole with as few strokes as possible.

To count putts, you need to count the number of strokes you take to send the ball into the hole.

If you miss the hole or need more than one stroke to get the ball in the hole, you need to count the number of strokes you've taken.

How to improve your golf putting?

Comment utiliser un Putter ?

Improving your golf putting is one of the most effective ways to get a better score on the course.

Good putting technique is essential to get the golf ball back in the hole in the fewest possible strokes.

Putting technique 

Putting is an important part of the game of golf. It's all about hitting the ball into the hole with as few strokes as possible. To achieve this, good technique is essential. The elements that come into play are hand alignment, posture, head movement and swing speed.

What kind of putting grip should you use?

Using the right grip is essential for putting, as it reduces the number of involuntary movements and helps maintain a stable, controlled posture.

We recommend using the Interlocking grip, which creates a connection between the thumb and forefinger of both hands.

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What position should you adopt when putting?

Putting position is the foundation of good golf. Adopting the right posture and swing technique can help you control movement and improve accuracy.

It's important to lean forward and place your body weight on your heels to remain stable and balanced. The arms should be relaxed and the upper body tilted slightly forward.

  • L’utilisation des mains pendant le putt est absolument proscrite. Les seules articulations qui sont sollicitées pendant le putt sont les épaules.
  • Vos épaules forment un triangle avec vos mains. Il ne faut pas déformer ce triangle pendant le mouvement.
  • Votre putter doit venir taper la balle à la manière d’un pendule qui se laisse entraîner par la gravité.


You must position yourself so that your eyes eyes are above the ball. If your eyes are not above the ball, they will see a different trajectory.

Your ball will only follow the correct trajectory if your eyes eyes follow the same trajectory.

The line-up

First of all, alignment is key. To achieve perfect alignment, position yourself so that your eyes are directly above the ball.

This will help you to see correctly the trajectory you want to give the ball. Practice this position regularly so that it becomes natural.

The rhythm

Next, concentrate on the rhythm of your stroke. A good putt is often the result of a fluid, steady movement.

Avoid jerky or hurried strokes. A good exercise is to practice with a metronome to maintain a constant rhythm.

The distance

Distance is another crucial element in putting. It essentially depends on the force with which you hit the ball. It's a question of touch and feel, which you can develop with practice.

Try different impact forces to learn how the ball reacts.

Read the green

La lecture du green est pour tous les golfeurs une compétence indispensable pour un bon putt. Observez attentivement :

  • la pente générale du Green
  • le relief du terrain
  • grass texture
  • wind direction and speed

to find the right line of play. These elements will influence the trajectory and speed of your ball.

Astuces en jeu

N’hésitez pas à jouer des coups d’essai pour bien ressentir le balancier et la vitesse donnée au club avant de putter.

Faire un parcours à Annecy

How to choose the right putting equipment?

Choosing the right putting equipment is an essential part of improving your golf game. A good putter should be adapted to your size and playing style. What's more, a quality ball can make a big difference to your putting performance.

Feel free to try out different putters and balls until you find the ones that suit you best.

Should I take golf putting lessons with a teacher?

As we said earlier, Putting is one of the most important aspects of golf, and mastering this technique can have a considerable impact on your score. Taking putting lessons with a golf instructor can help you improve your game and become a better putter.

A good instructor can show you the right techniques and give you practical advice on using your equipment and developing your game.

Julien Francou, professeur de golf au golf du Belvedere Annecy

How do I practice putting?

To practice putting, it's important to know the right grip and posture. Once you've mastered these elements, it's a good idea to practice with golf mats. You can also use targets and obstacles to improve your accuracy. Finally, it's important to take the time to concentrate and aim well before each shot, and not to do it mechanically, put after put.

In conclusion, improving your putting requires practice, concentration on alignment and rhythm, a good read of the green and the right equipment. With time and practice, you'll see your performance on the green improve significantly.

Exercices de golf pour améliorer son putting en s’amusant

  • En suivant l’ordre des drapeaux, jouez vos putts avec une ou deux balles. Fixez-vous un objectif spécifique pour les résultats (par exemple, une moyenne de 2 putts).
  • Notez vos performances à chaque séance pour évaluer vos progrès au fil du temps.
  • Jouer avec une seule balle de golf vous permet de travailler sur votre instinct et votre lecture naturelle des putts. Vous n’avez qu’un seul coup, ce qui vous permet également de travailler avec votre putter sous pression.
  • Les putts d’un mètre doivent être rentrés a tous les coups pour booster votre confiance et réduire votre handicap. Prenez quatre balles et placez-les autour du trou, à environ 50 cm de distance.
  • Puttez les balles l’une après l’autre. Si vous les rentrez toutes, alors répétez cet exercice en vous éloignant du trou d’environ 50 cm à chaque fois.
  • Toutefois si l’une de vos balles ne rentre pas directement, recommencez l’exercice depuis le début.
  • Trouvez un golfeur pour partager l’exercice ci-dessus. Cela augmente l’intérêt de l’entraînement au putting et vous motive.
  • Lorsque vous êtes à plus de 5 mètres du drapeau, votre objectif est de placer la balle dans un cercle d’un mètre de diamètre avec le trou au centre. Cela vous aide à mettre vos résultats en perspective si la balle ne rentre pas dans le trou.
  • Prenez quatre balles et placez-les autour du trou, cet exercice vous aidera à réduire le nombre de putts sur le parcours.

Because golf for us is synonymous with meeting and sharing, at The Belvédère Annecy Golf Club, you won't just find a beautiful training facility,you'll also find a soul, an atmosphere...

In other words, an ever-smiling welcome that will make you want to extend your sporting experience with a moment of relaxation.

At The Belvédère Golf Course, just outside dAnnecy, you can enjoy a meal with a breathtaking view of the Aravis massif.

You will also find at your disposal some very nice infrastructures such as :

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